Friday, July 31, 2015


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Monday, July 13, 2015

Praise is Like Sunshine
Consider this insight from psychologist Jess Lair:
“Praise is like sunshine to warm the human spirit; we cannot flower and grow without it.
"And yet, while most of us are only too ready to apply to others the cold wind of criticism, we are somehow reluctant to give our fellows the warm sunshine of praise.”
Train your eye to see the good in your children, your neighbors. Identify their gifts, talents, and skills, and praise them lavishly for them.
The story is told of a ten-year-old boy who labored in a Naples, Italy factory.
His dream was to become a singer, but his first teacher discouraged him, declaring: “You can’t sing. You haven’t any voice at all. It sounds like the wind in the shutters.”
However, his mother, a poor and uneducated woman, placed her arms around the boy and praised him. She told the boy she knew he could sing and could see improvement in the quality of his voice.
That mother’s praise and encouragement changed her son’s life. His name was Enrico Caruso and he became the most famous opera singer of his generation.

Star-Brite Learning Program

A Start on Telling Time
When your child is hungry and impatient with the speed of mealtime preparations, point to the large hand of the clock and say to her, “We will have dinner when this big hand gets to the bottom (or the top) of the clock.”
As you say this, point to where the hand will be. Then make every effort to meet this prediction accurately.
If she is not familiar with the clock, you will need to explain that the hand does move, but too slowly for her to see it.
Don’t try to teach her hours and minutes at first. This is difficult even for some first graders to understand, though by kindergarten many children will understand the concept of hours.

Star-Brite Learning Program

Cultivate Patience
No matter how much you love your child, there will be times when her behavior will exasperate you.
Try to remember that she will never be this age again and that this, too, will pass.
Let her know how you feel when what she does upsets you. But try to keep your sense of humor and perspective.
Be patient with her attempts to do things for herself. She may not do them well at first, but she’ll learn with practice.
Like every other skill, responsibility for oneself takes practice and lots of room for mistakes before it’s mastered.

Star-Brite Learning Program

Scribblers Just Can't Help Themselves
Scribblers just can’t help themselves. They’ve just got to close their fists around those fat crayons and scribble. Around and around they go, in circles, zigzags, blurs, and blobs.
Unfortunately, scribblers sometimes like to use walls for their canvases.

If you provide an alternative for the scribbler, like a large chalkboard and colored chalk, an easel with newspaper and paint, or lots of plain paper (the back of computer print-outs, recycled paper, or a roll of shelf paper) you’ll have fewer pictures on your walls.

Scribbling may look like nonsense to adults, but there is some sense in it for a child. When children learn to stop their arm movements in time, those big circles becomes faces.
Tight, round scribbles make eyes, looser ones make curly hair. Sweeping lines stop short for arms, fingers, mouths, and spiky hair. Pounding with the point of the crayon makes snow.

Scribbling is necessary preparation for drawing—and writing, too. But it’s hard to know what to say when you’re presented with a scribbled work of art.
“I really like purple scribbles” is probably the most honest, appreciative and gracious thing you can say!

Star-Brite Learning Program