Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Brite-Kids Fun Pack now Downloadable!

Available Now ~ BRITE-KIDS FUN PACK is now downloadable for only $15.00!

Your download includes:
- Full color flashcards for each letter with 4 to 5 activities for each
- Approximately 2 or 3 letters and 1 number each month, as well as several different themes
- Monthly calendar pack with full-color decorations and date shapes
- Daily calendar of events with recommended reading list
- Circle time song sheet with over 10 different songs included in the lesson plans
- A monthly progress report for each child
- A monthly two page parent newsletter for each child

Click Here to Order your Download.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Will it float? 

Suggest that children look around for things that are expendable — twigs, leaves, stones, egg shells, pencils, straws, popsicle sticks, aluminum plates, ping pong ball, napkin, comb, and so on.
The objective is to predict whether or not these objects will float. To test the prediction, use a large container with water and check floating vs. sinking.
Children are natural scavengers, so why not make them collectors for a purpose?

In addition to the actual experience, kids will learn about the words that describe water. For example, you can discuss the different sounds made by water—splashing, bubbling, dropping, roaring, and trickling.
How about the way water feels? Hot, cold, lukewarm, icy, fast running, slow running.
What are the various uses of water? To drink, play in, wash clothes, cook with, water gardens, clean windows and take a bath.
And finally, how many places can you name where water is found? Lakes, oceans, streams, inside plumbing, puddles, dams, ditches, ponds, fountains, and so on

Friday, May 1, 2015

Good manners start early — at home basics of good manners for children are:
• Respecting other people’s prop­erty and privacy;
• Behaving well at the dining ­table;
• Not being rowdy in public;
• Not interrupting or contradict­ing;
• Not demanding one’s way all the time.
Choose the manners that are most important to you and your family and concentrate on those.
If you start teaching manners consistently and with purpose in the preschool years, they should be a habit by the time a child enters school.

Start on tellng time your child is hungry and impatient with the speed of mealtime preparations, point to the large hand of the clock and say to her, “We will have dinner when this big hand gets to the bottom (or the top) of the clock.”
Point to where the hand will be as you say this.
Then make every effort to meet this prediction accurately.
If she is not familiar with the clock, you will have to explain that the hand does move, but too slowly for her to see it.
Don’t try to teach her hours and minutes at first. This is difficult even for some first-graders to un­derstand.
However, by kindergarten many children will understand the concept of hours.